Sunday, February 8, 2009

Yes, and...ROCKETSHIP!

It's Sunday, 5 Am. A good day indeed. Let's go back a few hours.

Today was gorgeous. Weather. Amazing. More like that please, God? Cool. Thanks. I however worked all day, which is fine. I made some good money. I also was told by many of my tables that I was a good waiter. AWESOME! One person stuck out in particular. This girl asked me if I had ever heard of this one author and a book. I said no, to which she replied, "I think you would like it." Pretty bold, considering the basis of our knowledge of each other is "Hi, welcome to Chili's. My name is Colin and I will be serving you a steak." I asked her why she thought I'd like it and she said it was because I was good at my job, and that's what the book is about. I don't get it, but I'm pretty sure there was a compliment in there. I thanked her and asked her to write the book on the check so I can look it up. She did, with a note that said, "Good luck in your career." MY CAREER?!?!! I will never have being a waiter be my career. EVER!

Tonight was great. I got home from work a little after midnight. After being on my feet for 12 straight hours I decided to go over to my friend Tara's house, because she was having a party. I went, and had so much fun. She is in a show called Frat which has come out of improv workshops. A lot of the cast and crew and directors and producers were there, and it was great meeting them and chatting it up. It felt great to be at a party where there were so many awesome people with great stories about why they were there. It is always inspiring when I meet people like that who have the same aspirations and such great back stories. It was one of those moments where I knew that this is what I want to do. These are my people. These are the creators of art. The backbone of the theatre, in all aspects. Time flew, and I walked home on a beautiful, cool Chicago night happy listening to music. A great feeling.

Now I must sleep. Katy's Ma and Sis are here and we are exploring Chicago tomorrow (I think). I need my beauty sleep. Also, I get to see Haley in like 30 something hours. I am so excited.

From my cozy apartment,

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